Friday, 2 September 2011

Famous Mathematicians /Srinivasa Ramamnujan

22 December 1887 -26 April 1920 (aged 32) Chetput, (Madras), India
       Ramanujan Number/Hardy-Ramanujan Number
A common anecdote about Ramanujan relates to the number 1729. Hardy arrived at Ramanujan's residence in a cab numbered 1729. Hardy commented that the number 1729 seemed to be uninteresting. Ramanujan is said to have stated on the spot that it was actually a very interesting number mathematically, being the smallest natural number representable in two different ways as a sum of two cubes:
1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103
91 = 63 + (−5)3 = 43 + 3 (91 is divisor of 1729)
Masahiko Fujiwara showed that 1729 is
1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19
19 × 91 = 1729
Ramanujan Known for : Landau-Ramanujan Constant
                                            Mock theta functions
                                 Ramanujan Prime
                                 Ramanujan's Sum

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