Saturday 3 September 2011

Famous Mathematicians / Aryabhatta


476 BC-550 BC India

Aryabhata was the first astronomer to make an attempt at measuring the Earth's circumference since Eratosthenes (circa 200 BC). Aryabhata accurately calculated the Earth's circumference as 24,835 miles, which was only 0.2% smaller than the actual value of 24,902 miles. This approximation remained the most accurate for over a thousand years.

Friday 2 September 2011

What is Neo cube ? is it safe for Kids ?

Neo Cube Toys 

Neo Cube is a group of powerful magnetized 216 balls (neodynum magnets) that can be made into any 3D or 2D shape you want. This is perfect as a present for anyone who loves solving puzzles.

There are infinitely many shapes that can be created. Once you start expressing your idea, you can spend hours of time fixing and upgrading until you are satisfied.

What is Neodynum Magnet ?
A neodymium magnet (also known as NdFeB, NIB, or Neo magnet), the most widely-used type of rare-earth magnet, is a permanent magnet made from analloy of neodymium, iron, and boron to form the Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystalline structure. Developed in 1982 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals, neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnet made.

Power Point Presentations in Physics Chemistry

Famous Mathematicians /Srinivasa Ramamnujan

22 December 1887 -26 April 1920 (aged 32) Chetput, (Madras), India
       Ramanujan Number/Hardy-Ramanujan Number
A common anecdote about Ramanujan relates to the number 1729. Hardy arrived at Ramanujan's residence in a cab numbered 1729. Hardy commented that the number 1729 seemed to be uninteresting. Ramanujan is said to have stated on the spot that it was actually a very interesting number mathematically, being the smallest natural number representable in two different ways as a sum of two cubes:
1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103
91 = 63 + (−5)3 = 43 + 3 (91 is divisor of 1729)
Masahiko Fujiwara showed that 1729 is
1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19
19 × 91 = 1729
Ramanujan Known for : Landau-Ramanujan Constant
                                            Mock theta functions
                                 Ramanujan Prime
                                 Ramanujan's Sum

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Green Ganesha Eco Friendly Ganesha Clay Ganesha

Use Eco friendly Ganesha 
Eco friendly Ganesha

Clay Ganesha

Clay Ganesha

Green Ganesha / Sand Ganesha

Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha

National Level Science Exhibition ( Inspire Awards Exhibition ) New Delhi 2011 Selected Models

National Level Science Exhibition ( Inspire Awards Exhibition ) New Delhi 2011 Selected Models List

1) Rajasthan –Tesla Coil ( Gold Medal )

2) Assam – Miracle of pressure in JCB    ( Silver Medal )

3) Jammu & Kashmir – Model for Mechanical JCB            ( Silver Medal )

4) Punjab – Energy Saving Device ( Bronze Medal )

Regional Awards

Central India

Chattisgarh – Mixture run without electricity

Maharashtra – Energy Saver multi purpose winnoving machine from waste materials

North-East India

Sikkim – Tic Car

West Bengal – Controlling over loaded vehicles on the bridge using renewable source of energy

North – Haryana – UGV Ground vehicle

Andhra Pradesh – Producing Electricity with the help of salt water

Rajasthan – Ideal petroleum plant

North- East

Dependence of ‘l’ on water level

Haryana  - Multi purpose Machine and new model of husk cutting machine

South Karnataka – Death free solution

Jharkhand – Transformation of energy

Maharastra – Home appliance control system

A.P – anti radiation shields to cell phones

          Artificial Rain System          

Saturday 27 August 2011

Victory for Anna Government accept Anna's coditions

The eight-hour long extraordinary debate on the Lokpal issue Saturday ended with Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee expressing "a broad sense of the house" that includes an in-principle acceptance of three key demands of Anna Hazare by the Lok Sabha.
No Voting, Government Agrees to Anna's Three Key Demands
A citizens' charter,
 Lokayukatas in states and
 inclusion of the entire bureaucracy -- should be built through a "most practical, appropriate and focused architecture".

Tuesday 9 August 2011

National Level Inspire Awards Exhibition New Delhi ,Department of Science and Technology,Government of India,Selected Model for National Level

winning model at national level

Geo Thermal Energy

Petrol from waste Plastic

Modern Village

Electrical Energy from moving train

Conservation of Energy

Global Positioning System

Monday 8 August 2011

State Inspire Awards Exhibition

Inspire Awards State Exhibition was held in Nirula Engineering College for women,Guntur  on 6-8-2011 to 8-8-2011. 915 students were participated from twelve districts  with their innovations.Most of the exhibited items showed the importance of saving energy conserving water, use of solar energy and wind energy, solid waste management, rainwater harvesting,Geothermal Energy models, air humidity measuring equipment, emergency lights, Periscope, cotton purifier, power saver, burglar alarm, solar stove, solar water Heater,Fire Alarm,Metal detector,Global Warming,Garbage,Magnetic Crane,Global Positioning,fluoride Problem,Automatic Lights were some of the models that were displayed on the occasion.

 Bio Plastic

 Rural -Urban

 Drip irrigation

 Salt water battery

 Water Purification

 Conservation of Energy

 Biomass Energy

 Poultry and Agro forms

 Solar Streets

 Tsunami Warning system

 Thermal Power Plant

 Electricity From Walk

 Spin Charger

 Spin Charger

 Radio Frequency Remote Control

 Side effects of medicine

 Robt Hand

 Cheap cooler

 Water level indicator

Electricity from speed breaker

Sunday 7 August 2011

State Level Science Exhibition Guntur,Andhra Pradesh

State Science Exhibition Photos

Inspire Awards State Exhibition was held in Nirula Engineering College for women,Guntur  on 6-8-2011 to 8-8-2011. 915 students were participated from twelve districts  with their innovations.Most of the exhibited items showed the importance of saving energy conserving water, use of solar energy and wind energy, solid waste management, rainwater harvesting,Geothermal Energy models, air humidity measuring equipment, emergency lights, Periscope, cotton purifier, power saver, burglar alarm, solar stove, solar water Heater,Fire Alarm,Metal detector,Global Warming,Garbage,Magnetic Crane,Global Positioning,fluoride Problem,Automatic Lights were some of the models that were displayed on the occasion.

Geothermal Energy

 Magnetic Train Principle

 Shade net Technology

 Prepaid Energy (current)Meter

 PrePaid  Current Meter

 Geo Energy

 Solar cooker

 Solar Water Heater

 Solar Energy

 Earth Inner Structure

 Herbal (Tulasi) Products

 Potato Battery

 Auto watering system

Geo Energy